Monday, January 17, 2011

suburban life

Monday, January 2011.

It was hard to believe that fifteen years ago, us supers were living in the glory days. I can not say that I do not miss it either. It was just me and the rest of the supers fighting crime, and protecting innocent citizens from psycho villains. Unfortunately, things are not at all like they used to be around here. After an injured bystander created a lawsuit which lead to a political backlash against all of us superheros, we have been forced to live normal lives. On days such as this, it makes me really want to go back to the glory days.

It started out as a typical day in the suburbs. My boss was definitely his usual self as he was cranky as ever, prone to power, and as cold hearted as can be any given day. It was the last straw that broke the camel's back when he pulled out his usual "It's like an enormous clock. It only works if all the little cogs mesh together. A clock must be clean, well lubricated, and wound tight. yada yada yada.." He doesn't give a rats ass about any customers needs or helping them, as in his view it is all business as usual.

Anyways, as my boss was going off on his usual rant, I was well occupied with a guy mugging someone out side the window. I pointed the situation out to my boss, and tried to convince him that this madness should be stopped. However, it was obvious he simply did not care. So, as I my hand was upon the cold metal door handle, and my mind coming up with a game plane to stop this thief,  he told me strictly "Not so fast, as much as one foot out that door and you are fired." After he made that statement, that door handle was not so cold anymore... In- fact I'm not so sure how much of it was still left with my hand clenched on to it.

 As all this commotion was going on inside, the mugging going on outside was finished. The darn bad guy got away, due to the fact I allowed this troll inside to have the best of me. That was it, I had enough of his crap! I took him by the neck, and swung his tiny unproportioned body out his office door. Perhaps I was a little harsh but he  certainly asked for it.

Of course now I am currently unemployed, which I truly do not know how to tell my wife. Just the other day she told me she was proud of me, because even though my job is tough, and I have a difficult boss breathing down my neck 24/7, that I stick with it,  through thick and through thin. I just do not know how to tell her, and the fact that we may have to move again will break her and my kids' hearts. We have finally just settled in where we are at now. Personally, I could use a super hero to dig me out of this hole I've trapped myself in at the moment.

My wife is now yelling at me to get to the dinner table, maybe I'll get the chance to tell her tonight. I do not know how we are going to get food on it anymore. However, my bud Ice Man is coming over after dinner so hopefully that will lighten the mood a little. I will blog you the outcome of this shenanigans later,  but duty calls!

Mr. Incredible

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