Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's Incredible

These past few days have been such an adventure for my family.You probably would not believe all the stuff we went through, in such a short period of time. These were likely the most risky and the scariest moments we have ever encountered, but it has definitely brought our family closer together. We learned how to work together, which we normally can not do very well on a day to day basis. At last we had an opportunity for us all to use the powers we were given, the thing that makes us different from the rest of the world. It was by far the best mission, I have ever fought in my life. My survival is the miracle of my family, without them, I would not be strong enough, and you would not be reading this!

Day One
All was well, I was excited to get back in the game and fight some serious crime. I was sent to a little Island on a  private jet,  and don't ask me where this was because I couldn't  even tell you. Any how, the blonde lady who lead me was very kind. There was a dinner prepared when I arrived, which was nice because I was starving at this point.
However, the man who had called me to this mission did not even attend that dinner which puzzled me, because you would think he would want to go over things and tell me the details for this mission. I also like to know who I am working for, because I didn't want to end up with another troll. After dinner, I was quite tired from the exciting day and decided it was time to rest, plus I was going to need all the energy I could get for my mission.

Day Two
It was a rough day, as I was sent on my first mission to destroy a robot. The thing was so tough to disable, as it learned from my moves and knew how to over power me. I soon realized I had to make it destroy itself, so I hopped on top of it and it started stabbing itself until it hit its control center and shut down. Mission complete! As soon as things were settled down after the mission was accomplished, someone flew in from no where,  and he looked really familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. This man called himself Syndrome, and he started going off about how he was going to take over the world. He ranted about how he would  create all these weapons that would make him look like a hero. He was going to kill of all the supers until no one was a super anymore.  I  finally realized that this villain used to be my number one fan, and wanted to be my sidekick, but I simply told him that I work alone.

Syndrome took me as hostage, and then accused me of calling for help. I had no idea what he was talking about as I had never sent out a emergency call. I didn't even know I had a tracking device on me, but I knew it was my wife. I was so petrified because he said he was going to give my wife a warm welcoming, and if it was anything like the welcome he tried to give me, I knew he was going to try to kill her. I felt so weak and powerless, and feeling  like that was a big deal considering my power is super strength. A ton of guilt was crushing me, because if I had lived the normal life, and managed to keep my job we wouldn't have been in that life threatening situation.

It felt like I had been hanging there for hours, but then a sign of hope! The girl who introduced me to this mission came and released me. Apparently she did have a heart,  and then my wife came running through the door. I could not think of a time where I was more grateful, and it felt like an overwhelming rush of strength empowered me. I grabbed her, and gave her the biggest smooch, after all I thought I'd never see her again!

All of a sudden the kids came running in, and I had no idea they were coming! We stole a rocket and were returning back to civilization in order to stop Syndrome from destroying and deceiving our country that he is some hero. It turned out that Syndrome's robot was too smart for him, and he couldn't even dismantle it with his own controller.  As a family we worked together to destroy it, and suddenly I remembered how I destroyed the much smaller version of making it destroy itself. One of its arms had fallen off, so we used the controller to get the arm spinning, and when we were close enough BAMMM!! The arm went right through the center of the robot, and destroyed it completely. Us supers did it, we saved the world from evil Syndrome's robot!

The Aftermath
Everything turned out well, because we supers were now actually allowed use our superpowers to save people from the evil attacking our cities. When trouble arises, so are the supers and then the thieves and villains are going down! This whole experience has brought my family closer together, and we are now free to be who we are rather than what society wants us to be. Freedom has never felt so good, and saving the world well its INCREDIBLE.

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